Merrueshi Village Health Center
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Maternity Clinic
Maasai & Health



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Maasai and Health

There are 350, 000 estimated Maasai people living in Kenya. An estimated 5,000 Maasais are living in Merrueshi location (Electoral Commission of Kenya, 2005). The Maasai are one of the last semi-nomadic and pastoral people remaining in East Africa.

Although the Maasai have managed to preserve most of their traditions and culture throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, they are currently faced with great challenges, such as droughts and health problems. As with other rural communities in Africa the Maasai people are not spared from common diseases and illnesses such as respiratory infections, malaria, typhoid fever and serious diseases including HIV/Aids and TB. Malnutrition among children has also become common due to food shortage and unbalanced diet.

In the absent of Merrueshi Village clinic villagers from Merrueshi and neighboring communities had to travel as far as 50 Kilometers away to see a nurse or doctor. The distance is cost prohibitive. As a result many residents were unable to receive medical care at all, or early enough for effective treatment. According to The World Health Organization, there is on average in Kenya one doctor per 10,150 people. Merrueshi Village Clinic started to deliver medical services to Merrueshi villagers without bringing a religious or political agenda. No patient is turned away.


Maasai Association © All rights reserved

Graphic design, data architecture, technical implementation by Ole Maimai,


Please donate $25 and help us immunize Maasai children against measles, polio, TB, and other vaccine-preventable diseases.

Merrueshi Village Clinic is sponsored by Maasai Association - a community-based non-profit organization 501 (c)(3) and NGO based in Bellevue, WA and Kajiado Central District of Kenya. The organization’s humanitarian and relief work is aimed at building schools, water systems, providing academic scholarship to disadvantaged children, and supporting sustainable economic development projects in the Maasai region

Maasai Association's Projects are happening because of people like you. Many thanks for your support.