$150 Gift of a cow

Cows help end hunger. A cow will empower a family with nutritional milk for children. Extra milk is sold at local markets for needed food supplies, clothing, and children's school fees.
$40 Gift for a goat

dairy goat can produce up to 1-
1⁄2 liters of milk every day. Milk, cheese, butter and
yogurt will improve a family's wellbeing.
$120 Gift of an Education

For $120 gift you can put a child
through elementary school for one year. Your donation will make education
more attainable to a Maasai girl, who otherwise would have
not attended school.
$450 Gift for a girl in high school

Your gift of $450 can put a girl through high
school for 1 year. This amount is sufficient
to provide full tuition and school supplies for the child.
Maasai Association would be delighted to connect you with
a child that received your support.
$50 Gift for life-saving vaccines

Your gift of $50 can bring life-saving vaccines to children in remote Maasai village.
$25 Gift for a mosquito net

Your gift of $25 can buy a treated mosquito net that will protect a family from a deadly mosquito.
$25 Gift for school supplies

Your gift of $25 can buy school supplies such as text books, rulers, and
pencils for a student in need.
$20 Gift for soccer ball

Our school children love to play soccer so much that they often make homemade soccer balls out of plastic bags and trash. A good soccer ball is hard to come by. Your gift of $25 will put a soccer ball in the hands of our school children.